“Live. Love. Laugh.”  I’m sure some of you have heard these three words but have you considered them together and thought about adopting it as a life motto?  I am a very analytical thinker so for me to narrow down my perspective to three words is a great accomplishment!  What do I mean by each word, you ask?

Live. Live to your fullest each day.  Live with conviction and goals because without these, it can get boring and depressing.  Live the way you want.

Love.  Love your favorite person. Love your dreams, your family, your friends, your job. Just love.

Laugh.  Laugh at yourself.  Laugh with yourself.  Laugh with others.  Most importantly, laugh at least once a day.  What would life be like if you couldn’t laugh?

Thanks to these three words and other experiences in my life, I have come to appreciate life as it comes and I have discovered some true passions of mine that I’d like to share.

The goal of this blog is to raise awareness about intercultural and social issues, alternative education, and community development. I welcome you to share your thoughts and opinions on these topics.